组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Henry is American businessman. One day, when he was sailing (航行) on a boat near San Francisco, he was carried out into the sea by a strong wind. (luck), he was discovered and picked up by a London-bound( 开往伦敦的) ship. So he (land) in London by accident. Alone and (hunger), he walked on the streets of the city. Unexpectedly, he (call) into a big house. There two rich (brother), Oliver and Roderick, gave him a letter and told (he) not to open it until two o'clock of the day. Henry didn't know it was a million-pound (百万英镑) bank note. He left the big house and went into a cheap restaurant to get something to eat. Everyone was impolite and impatient to him. Why? he was in rags (衣衫褴褛) and looked dirty. Then, everyone's surprise, he handed the owner a million-pound bank note to pay for the meal. On seeing the note, all the people in the restaurant became friendly and tried their best (please) Henry. Don't you think it's the most unbelievable story in the world?
