组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The Communist Party of China (the CPC,中国共产党)was founded(成立) in 1921. People around the city have held all kinds of activities to celebrate the100th anniversary(纪念日).

In the City Art Museum, citizens(市民) show great interest in hundreds of paintings about the history of the CPC. The art show has 3 themes about the CPC. Some paintings describe Chinese people's poor and painful lives in the past. Some show that the CPC overcame difficulties and led Chinese to build the People's Republic of China(中华人民共和国). Others tell citizens about great changes that have taken place in China in the last 100 years. Seeing these paintings, a lot of citizens have a better understanding of the CPC and feel lucky to live in new China. Li Hua enjoys all the paintings and says,"It's amazing that China has progressed in such a rapid way."

Besides the painting show, a speech competition gets tons of attention. Tangtang lakes part in it. He says that the CPC has given him a lot of chances to achieve his China dream—to become an excellent writer. As a party member, he makes an effort to serve people without thinking about himself. He often sends books to the children in the mountain villages. He also writes a lot of beautiful poems about our country. He thinks these poems are his best gifts to the 100th anniversary.

From these activities, we have realized there would be no China without the Communist Party.
