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Have you ever taken traditional Chinese medicine? Do you like its taste? Some people dislike it because of its bitter (苦的) taste, but more and more people are becoming interested in traditional Chinese medicine for the reason that it's an effective way to cure (治疗) illnesses. For example, if you have a sore throat, you could drink hot water with Gancao.

Chinese people have been using traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Before the western medicine appeared in China, Chinese doctors went to the mountains to pick herbs (草药). Then they made the herbs into Chinese medicine soup to cure patients. When we talk about Chinese medicine, we always think of Li Shizhen, one of the most famous doctors in ancient China. He used to travel in the countryside with a bag of herbs and cure patients. He spent 27 years writing Compendium of Material Medica (《本草纲目》).

In 2020, COVID-19 (新型冠状病毐)hit China and many other countries. Ever since then, traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the fight against COVID-19. It's reported that 91.5% of the COVID-19 patients in China received the traditional Chinese medicine treatment (治疗), and it worked well on more than 90% of these patients. In September, 2020, Zhang Boli was honored as "the People's Hero" for his contributions (贡献). Zhang shared the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine like LianhuaQingwen with foreign doctors.

In a word, traditional Chinese medicine is the treasure of China.
