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John was a poor but very smart kid and he always got top grades at school. He was 1, so he didn't have any friends. His classmate, Kevin, was a mean kid, who bullied (欺负) almost everyone including John. He did well in most subjects, but 2 failed math.

The two kids couldn't be more different, but an act of 3 connected them. One day, John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school. The lady didn't 4 that. John caught up with her and handed the purse to her.

The lady happened to be Kevin's 5. That evening, she told Kevin about the kind little boy who 6 the purse to her. She said, "His name's John. I guess he goes to your school. "What?" Kevin said 7, "Did you mean poor John, my classmate?"

To thank John, Kevin and his mom decided to invite him over for some 8. The next day, when John saw big Kevin running towards him, he got really scared. He thought Kevin was going to 9 him. Unexpectedly, Kevin gave him a big hug, "Thank you 10 returning my mom's purse yesterday!"

"You mean that nice lady?" John asked

"Yes. She 11 invite you over for some home-baked cookies." "Well, I have to get my mother's permission (允许) first."

After school, they walked together to John's home. John's mom was more than happy to see his son with a friend for a 12. She agreed at once after asking Kevin if his parents were OK with that.

The two kids 13 the freshly baked cookies Kevin's mom served. Then, they did the homework together. Kevin was amazed 14 John explained the usually very difficult math homework and made it look so easy.

With John's help, Kevin passed math tests 15, and he seldom bullied anyone. They became best friends as well.
