组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

decide   take   person  do   happy   that   however   study    from    move

He Studies Harder Than He Used to

Li Wen is a15-year-old boy from the countryside. He works very hard and well in school. It's hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When his parents to the city to work, they could not be at home to take care of him, He missed his parents so much and he often felt lonely and unhappy.

Li Wen's unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. So he became less interested in . Sometimes he was absent  classes and failed his examinations. Finally, Li Wen's parents made the  to send him to a boarding school. , Li Wen was shy and was not able to make friends quickly in school. He found life there difficult. One day, he told his teacher that he wanted to leave the school. His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in . So his parents  a 24-hour train and 5-hour bus ride to get to Li Wen's school. This conversation changed his life. He realized that his parents would always love him, and they would take pride in everything good  he did. Now he is much  and more outgoing than he used to be.
