组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Earth Hour is organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature It's a big event usually at the end of March every year. On this evening, people "go dark".

It's true that turning off lights for just one hour saves only a small amount of power.  On one level, joining in Earth Hour makes people think about the problem of climate change and what we can do in everyday life to protect nature.

But on another level, a large number of people's acting together sends a powerful message to governments and companies.  They begin considering green issues when making big decisions.

'The logo (标识) of Earth Hour is "60 +". The number 60 is for the 60 minutes of Earth Hour.  In fact, people who join in Earth Hour say that taking pat makes them want to do more for the environment.

 Musicians give concerts by playing acoustic (原声的) instruments instead of electric ones, and using candles instead of electric lights. Celebrity chefs (大厨) have created special recipes for families to prepare and eat by candle light. Tree - planting sessions, group walks and runs are also among the options.

A. But this is only the beginning.

B. Earth Hour represents every hour of every day.

C. After all, everyone has to answer for what they have done.

D. Besides turning off the lights, people get involved in other events.

E. It pushes them to take urgent measures by making changes to policies.

F. That is, they switch off all unnecessary lights at the same time for one hour.

G. The plus invites people to continue their action even after Earth Hour is finished.
