组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Have you ever wondered where Lego(乐高积木)came from? Like many great inventions, the story is not just one of a great idea,  one of a ton of hard work and perseverance (毅力).

The story started in Denmark. Ole Christiansen was a carpenter  was struggling with his small business. His wife died (short) after his fourth son was born. He had to work hard to support his family alone. He started making wood toys, but they didn't sell well. He decided his toys needed a name, and he chose  name" Lego".

Unfortunately, several years later, his workshop  (burn) to the ground. Soon, he started to make a few plastic toys. He got the idea to create a "system" of toys that would build up kids'  (imagine) and creativity. He decided to stop  (make) wood toys and focus only on the connected plastic toys. Then he started to build more and more kinds of  (model). Each one had to be of the  (high) quality, which can be reflected in Lego's motto — "Only the best is good enough."

Thanks to their perseverance, kids can enjoy Lego toys, movies, amusement parks and clothing. But none of this would have existed at that time if they  (give up) when times got hard.
