组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Xie Lei, whose (ambitious) is to set up a business in China, left for England six months ago to study global business as  exchange student. Once in England, she found it not easy to adapt  life there. For example, people there use a lot of words that she is not familiar with and they speak fast. So she had difficulty using public transport and (ask)for things she didn't know the English names for. It took her quite some time as well as great efforts to get used to the whole new life.

Academic requirements also confused her very much. She discussed how (write) an essay with her tutor. Following her tutor's advice, she read a lot and participated (active) in class though it was challenging in the beginning. The fact  now she can give an attractive presentation in class even (surprise) herself. Nowadays she is more (confidence) and determined to put  she is learning into practice when back in China.
