组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

One day, Laurie saw four girls walking quietly through the garden. He f them. They went to some trees and sat there drawing, reading and sewing. Laurie h behind a tree and watched them, feeling sad that he had no brothers or sisters. A squirrel suddenly ran down the tree and Beth looked up. She saw Laurie and asked him to join them.

He read to them while they drew and sewed. They talked about their d

"I want to travel around the world and see lots of places. Then I'd like to become a famous m, "said Laurie.

"I'd like a lovely house, full of nice things—good food, pretty clothes, handsome furniture and pleasant people, "Meg said.

"Wouldn't you have a husband or some angelic children in your lovely house?" asked Laurie, smilingly.

"I said 'p people' you know, " Meg carefully tied up her shoe as she spoke, so that no one saw her f.

Jane continued, "I want to write books and get rich and famous. My works should be as famous as Laurie's music. "

"M is to stay at home safely with Father and Mother, looking after the family. Nothing else. Since I had my little piano, I am perfectly s , " said Beth quietly.

Amy's modest wish was to go to Rome, do fine pictures, and be the best artist in the world.

"Every one of us, b Beth, wants to be rich and famous. I wonder w any of us will carry out our wishes, said Laurie.

They decided to meet in ten years to see if their dreams would come true.
