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Hillary Rodham Clintons,a Strongwoman

    There are many Hillary Rodham Clintons— the experienced lawyer, the best-selling author, and the first US First Lady to be elected to the United States Senate (参议院).

    Born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947, Hillary's childhood was happy and she was well educated. Her parents encouraged her to take up anything that interested her and to be strong.

    When young Hillary returned home from school with straight A's, her father remarked that it must be an easy school. The girl once ran back home crying after someone had hit her at school, but her mother wouldn't let her in. "There is no room in this house for cowards (懦夫)," said her mother.

    A little older, young Hillary put all of her energy into politics. As a student leader, she discussed political issues with friends and researched social problems.

    She entered Wellesley College in 1965. Graduating with high honors, then in 1969, Hillary entered Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton, a fellow law student. They got married in 1975. The former president often recalls the day when Hillary went to him and said, "If you're going to keep staring at me, I might as well introduce myself." The two soon became partners in moot court (模拟法庭), political campaigns, and the journey of love.

    When Bill was elected president in 1992, Hillary wasn't content with just being First Lady. From working to reform national healthcare to fighting for the rights of the poor, she refused to stop fighting for what she believed in.

    She was often criticized by her husband's opponents for actively involving herself in politics. But in keeping with her personality, Hillary always kept her head held high.

    "When she takes on a project, she works tirelessly until it is completed," said Betty Lowe, an old friend of the Clintons.

    Women's International Center proudly gave the Living Legacy Award to Hillary Rodham Clinton for her great contributions in so many fields, especially honouring her work for women and children.

    On December 1, 2008, US President-elect Barack Obama nominated(提名)Hillary as Secretary of State.

Title: Hillary Rodham Clintons,a Strongwoman

of an ordinary family, she spent a happy and disciplined childhood.

●Though she was an excellent student, her parents were very with her.

●A little older, young Hillary showed special interest in .

●As a student leader, she was with social problems, and often discussed political issues with friends.

●After from Wellesley College in 1969, she entered Yale Law School.


●A talented lawyer, the best-selling author, and the first US First Lady

●She made great in many fields, especially in promoting national healthcare and for the rights of the poor.

●She was for her work for women and children.

●She was nominated as of State in 2008. It was determination that made her a successful stateswoman.
