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Tips on How to Survive the Exam Season

When it comes to, the exam season, a lot of you may feel stressed, depressed or even want to escape. Here we have pieces of advice to help you get it through.


During the semester, going to lectures and taking a lot of notes are the first steps in the learning process. Now, at the end of the week, gather all the notes you took during the week and run through your notes quickly.If yes, great. If not, you have a lot of time left to understand before the exams take place. You can ask a friend, a teacher, you can look it up on the Internet or go to a library. This takes a little effort, but the results are great.

Switch between different types of revision.

 Something that really helps is to plan different types of active studying while revising. You can, for example, study using flashcards for an hour, then work on the summary for an hour, then have lunch, etc.

Make the facts more relatable.

There are many different ways to do so. I'm going to give you two examples and the first one is to create vivid images, which can be really helpful for studying history.The second is to make yourself familiar with new words by looking for words that look alike in other languages.

Teach and learn outside of the classroom.

In my experience, teaching is the most efficient way of studying. By explaining he materials to yourself or to someone else, you'll remember them a lot better.The idea is to sit down and take turns explaining certain topics of the study material.

Test yourself with past papers.

At the end of the whole study process, you should prepare yourself to do past apers properly. Time yourself, don't cheat, and mark it as if it were your real exam. Pay attention to the mistakes and revise the part you didn't do well on until you can't get it wrong any more.

A. Prepare yourself in advance.

B Make sure to be tough on yourself.

C. Even if you are motivated to study, everyone gets bored after a couple of hours of studying.

D. While doing this, constantly ask yourself, "Do I understand what I am reading?"

E. Ask your parents or other family members to act as teachers

F. Try to imagine how the events took place and this allows you to remember certain details more accurately. .

G. Look for a study buddy or small study group, and discuss everything you have studied before the exam.
