组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I will never forget one summer in my childhood. While walking in the attic (阁楼),I stepped on something and 1 down, with my hand landing on a floorboard that popped up and almost hit my head. When I 2 and looked inside the open space. I could not believe my eyes: There was gold in there! I 3 a handful of shining gold cubes, ran to the bottom stair and 4 , "Mama, I found gold up there under floor!"

Back up the stairs I dashed but my brothers almost knocked me down as they ran right by me. When mama opened the door and 5 her head in, she 6 said, "Honey, that's insulation (隔热材料). Now put it all 7 ."

I felt really disappointed. I had thought I made a real 8 .

When I 9 inside to put "the gold" back, my hand touched what felt like a book. I pulled it out. It was old and small: Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, which I'd never heard of. And 10 I was bored, I decided to see what was inside this little book. To my 11 , it was a book of passages, phrases and proverbs, and I could tell that this was going to be 12 .

So I spent quite much time on it and found 13 in these pages. As I didn't know how to express things clearly, I often 14 to talk about them. This book helped me 15 that I didn't need to feel ashamed or 16 , because other people had similar experiences.

When I went to college, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations came with me. Over the years, I've kept my 17 copy, which to this day I often 18 . Although it was a coincidence (巧合) to find the book, it liberated (解放) me in a way. It helped me see more than my young mind and heart were able to 19 .

The book discovered under those floorboards was, 20, gold.
