组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Hooray! I finished the College Entrance Examination at last! And the hard time of Senior Three too! Senior Three is the best time of us. We are young, healthy, lively, and energetic.Not a day goes without endless homework. Looking back upon the last year of my Senior high, I have some advice to share with the will-be Senior Three students.

You may have wasted your time on games, playing or TV in the last two years, but Senior Three is the year when you can make miracles! It's impossible for you make up for the wasted time in one week, one month, even one term. But believe me, one year later, your insistence will pay off.

Every minute counts. There is no doubt that you should absolutely spend most of the time studying. You may feel tired and dull, but your will is trained to prepare you for future competitions. Balance your time between subjects. You may appoint more time on weak subjects, but still leave time for your excellent ones. You should also balance your time between study and rest. Don't forget to set aside enough time for sleep, or your studying efficiency will go down.

Make friends with hard-working students. Get away from your old friends who have given up. It's hard to form a good habit, but it's really easy to develop bad ones.Similarly, if the friends around you are all focused on study, you won't be distracted.

Relax yourself. Long time of study and endless homework may drive you mad. We see enough reports of students killing themselves for the stress of study. Go around your campus and find the beauty of nature, listen to music and talk with your friends, parents and teachers.It does not only build you up, but also serves as the best way to release your stress.

Just as the old saying goes, "no pains, no gains." Believe you will make it in the College Entrance Examination next year. Good luck to you, my younger fellows!

A. Believe yourself.

B. Arrange your time wisely.

C. Have enough sleep.

D. Most importantly, do some sports.

E. It is also the hardest time of our life.

F. When you see your friends playing happily, you will easily follow suit.

G. Bad friends will pull you out of the classroom when you are studying.
