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Do you often use plastic straws (塑料吸管)?You probably use them to drink lots of things, such as soybean milk, cola or milk tea. Plastic straws are small 1 they are a big problem. They are made in 10 minutes, used in 202and normally remain on the earth for over 100 years since they are hard to be3.

But how do plastic straws get into the ocean?Through human mistakes, they are often thrown away everywhere and all gutters (排水沟) in some areas lead to our ocean. 4, plastic straws kill ocean life. Once a5was found bleeding because a 12﹣centimeter﹣long plastic straw was pushed into6nose. How terrible!

In fact, around 500 million plastic straws are used every day in the US alone. If we didn't act now, there would be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.

Luckily, more and more people around the world have realized this problem. They begin to think about7plastic straws are necessary or not when drinking drinks.

So what can we do right now to reduce plastic pollution?The simplest way is to say "8" to single﹣use plastic, like straws. For example, next time if you go to a restaurant, make sure you order your drink without a straw. There are reusable straws instead.

Coffee house chain Starbucks has started to9 strawless cups and paper straws instead of plastic straws in almost l, 000 stores in Shanghai and Shenzhen. And McDonald's has10 taken action to reduce the use of the plastic straws. It is hoped that more businesses and customers will work together to protect our environment.
