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    Now, many young people like shopping on line. But for most people, they still like shopping in the market. Let's see some famous markets around the world.

    There is an unusual market at a place called Damnoen Saduak in Thailand. In this market, people sell fresh fruits on their boats. It's open from 6: 00 in the morning to the noon every day.

    Many Belgians(比利时人) say that the Grand Place is the most beautiful square in the world. It is home of a colorful flower market. It's open every day except Mondays. On Mondays, instead of flowers, there's a wonderful bird market!

    One of the world's most famous markets is the Sonora Market in Mexico. You can buy toys, birds, herbs and medicine. There are all kinds of things. It's open every day from early in the morning till late at night.

    In England, every weekend, thousands of young people t ravel to the Camden Market to go for street fashion CDs and tapes. Many people also go there for fun.



Things to sell

Open time

The Damnoen Saduak


From 6: 00 in the morning to the noon every day

The Grand Place


The Sonora Market

All kinds of things

Every day

The Camden Market


Street fashion CDs and tapes
