组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


Known as an inspector, Mike insisted that he should make a weekly examination on the production procedure of the factory carefully. One morning he got up, washed, shaved and then he went out to work. Suddenly, there was something on the ground so he down and found some feathers of goose. In the distance, he heard the rhyme being sung from the church. What a ! He sighed and continued his way to his company. There he saw some cleaners sweeping the ground thoroughly and other employees were busy unloading some piles of wheat from the wagon. He was ; therefore, he questioned them gently what they were doing. The workers answered withthat they did nothing wrong. However, Mike was alert to that and he found of faults in what they had said. He thought it was his duty to protect the reputation of the company and avoid any mistakes that would happen.
