组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

What can make people cheer in every corner of the world? The answer can only be soccer, one of the most popular sports in the world. For (十亿) of people, it's not just a game— it's a way of life.

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, many children play soccer barefoot. They are too poor to buy shoes, but they can't stop the game. Playing soccer means everything for (当地的) people. It's so exciting. They can't imagine a life without soccer. Many world-class soccer players like Pele, Ronaldo once learned the game in those poor (地区).

Everyone can have great fun with the soccer ball. You can run (在外面) and enjoy fresh air, keeping the ball moving on the grass and (如果) you get a good chance, shoot for a goal! "Soccer gives us a (味道) of freedom." said Ronaldo.

FIFA gives a (报告) that over 240,000,000 people in more than 200 countries are (感兴趣的) in playing soccer today. In China, more schools decide (设置) up soccer lessons. Soccer is the (象征) of joy, friendship and success.
