组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、 C和D)中选出最佳选项。

I arrived at my mother's home for our Sunday family dinner. The smell of food flew over from the kitchen. Mother was pulling out quilts, proudly showing me their beauties. I knew they were all made by herself. She was preparing for a quilt show on TV. When we began to fold(叠) and put them back into the boxes. I noticed something at the bottom of one box. I pulled it out,  "What's this?" I asked. "Oh!" Mom said. "That's Mama's quit".

"Grandmother made this?" I asked in surprise. My grandmother was really good at making quilts. This certainly didn't look like any of the quilts she had made. "Yes, right before she died, I brought it home with me last year and made some changes." Mom said, "I'm still working on it. See, this is what I've done so far. "I looked at it more closely. She had made a line straight. At the center of the quilt, she hadstitcheda piece of cloth with these words: "My mother made many quilts. She didn't get all lines straight. But I think this is beautiful. I want to see it finished, her last quilt. "

"Oh, this is so nice, Mom." I said. I was sure now that by finishing my grandmother's quilt, my mother was honoring( 尊敬) her own mother. I realized that I held in my hands a family treasure(财富). It started with the loving hands of one woman, and went on with the loving hands of another.
