组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

"Well?" my teacher asked. "Do you know the answer?" I shifted uneasily in my seat and1around the classroom. I said in a low voice, "No idea. "Not 2the tears in my eyes, she 3the math lesson. The rest of the day4 on slowly, until finally the last bell rang, a5of freedom, until the next day.

I always felt out of 6 at school. Rarely did I accept a compliment(称赞)on 7achievements in school. By fourth grade, my self-confidence had shrunk8 and I became depressed.

One day, my teacher yelled at me in front of the entire crowd of kids. "How9can you be? If you don't start shaping up soon, you'll 10 being a failure. "That was the first time someone had said "you're a failure" right to my11. I stayed there for a half hour, crying and12if the pain and disappointment would ever end.

I left that school shortly afterwards, hoping to find a place where I could get away from the pain and find the 13 buried deep within me. And I did. My new school has14me to see myself in a better light and recognize how much I have 15. The academics aren't as intense as my previous school and I've opened up to others, no longer16of what they'll think of me.

I have built new17 not based on academic skill but on true friendship. People18 me cheerfully each morning because they see my inner 19. Me! The person who works to make himself into the best person he can be. This year has breathe new20 into me.
