组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

After I had pictured it over and over again in my mind, the big day 1 arrived: my first day at senior high! I woke up early and rushed to my new  2.  The campus was still 3when I arrived, so I decided to 4 a bit. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I 5 a voice behind me. "New here?"6 , I saw a white-haired man. "Yes," I replied. We chatted for a while 7I left for the classroom. When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was 8to see the same man I had met earlier.

"Good morning, everyone. Before we start, please 9yourself to the class. I'll go first," said the teacher. I tried to turn on my brain  10the engine just wouldn't start. I was organizing my words in my head when the girl next to me gave me a nudge (用肘轻推) "It's your 11 !''

With butterflies in my stomach, I 12deeply. "Hi, I'm Meng Hao." Everyone started  13. I looked at them in 14. "Nice to know we 15the same name," said my new teacher. Although I was embarrassed, his words made me a lot more  16. When we had all introduced ourselves, Mr. Meng said, "Well done, everyone! I know this isn't  17 for many of you. 18like this at senior high might sometimes put you under pressure. But it all depends on  19 you do. Keep calm and be prepared."

People say, "Well begun, half done." I guess this was a good 20 to my new school life.
