组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

When I was 12, I went on a 720-mile cycling trip with my brother and father. Before the trip. we prepared for the journey by having smaller1We were all2cyclists, even though my brother and I were so young. I can say I felt like I was born on a bike, despite3a mailbox the first time I rode one without training wheels. When setting out. I4for an adventure and wanted to see beautiful sights. But what I did not5was that trouble was around each corner.

One night, after perhaps a week into the6, it was raining lightly. We were getting to a campsite and cycling down a large hill with7to take a rest from8up a mountain with aching legs. Suddenly, my brother's front tire slipped and he9into the middle of the road. My father and I stopped, 10if he was okay.11, he was not hurt too much, but his leg was12the bike frame. From the top of the hill, we saw a light coming. Realizing a car was13my father and I looked on in14.

Instinctively, I rushed out in front of my brother in the middle of the road, and15my hands wildly. The car rushed forward, but turned16abruptly to the left to go around my brother and me. My brother was saved from being run over by the car.

My father says I was17brave then, but for some reason, I don't think I was18my life because it seemed like the only thing to do. And I believe that in time of danger we should do what we know is night rather than consider19carefully. If I had thought about what I was doing that night, my brother might have been20from this world.
