组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Joe was 75-year-old. His children grew up and moved to different cities in pursue of better career and future. However, he chose to lead a simple yet satisfying life in the small village carrying the memories of his deceased wife. Joe had four lovely grandchildren,Adam, Mary, Kate and Bill, who would make regular visits to him during their holidays.

With the vacation time around the corner, Joe was eagerly waiting for the arrival of hisgrandchildren. To well prepare his home for the kids, Joe was as busy as a bee, occupying himself cleaning the home, harvesting the garden, rearranging thehousehold items, buying the favourite gifts for the children, etc. It was in such busyarrangementsthat he lost his belovedwatch. The watch was gifted by his wife when their first child was born. Joetreasuredthe watch and it became his only companion after his wife's death.

However, Joe was unaware of the missing watch and was joyful receiving the kids at home. When he was about to take a bath the next day, it struck him that the watch wasmissing. He recalled that the last time he saw the watch, he was arranging things in thebarn(谷仓). Heartbroken, Joe stood still in silence. Noticing his dullness, all the grandchildren gathered around and asked what troubled him.

"Dear children, I lost the mostpreciouswatch I have ever had and I ever got in my life. It was gifted by your grandma and I lost it while cleaning the home! I feel like I'm missing my heart, " Joe said in tears. Figuring out what had happened, the children promised Joe that they wouldsearchfor the old watch for him.

注意:1)所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2)应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

The children decided to search for the watch in the barn.

Paragraph 2.

One grandson Adam then said that he would like to go to the barn again.
