组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

These days we can often see students doing morning exercises to stay(health). Most of you probably do the same kind of exercises. But some school exercises have gained (popular) because of their local special designs.

Students at a middle school in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, combines Sichuan Opera with their exercise. Shen Junhua, is in charge of organizing the school's exercises, said, "Sichuan Opera is local opera, but now it is facing a problem because few young want to learn it. So we invited some local artists (create) a simple and easy-to-learn Sichuan Opera exercise. " According to Shen, this new type of exercise(practice) since 2017 and is now popular among students. (learn) the exercise is not easy, so new students have to spend weeks practicing it until they can do it well. Some students have also joined the school's Sichuan Opera club due their own interest, although they had hardly heard of Sichuan Opera before. They found very difficult but meaningful to learn Sichuan Opera.

By combining opera with daily exercise, the activity allows students to take part in the development of Sichuan Opera's culture. (hope), the seed of traditional cultural can be spread in this way.
