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The novel, Of Human Bondage, is considered a masterpiece of the 20th century. It is also a semi-autobiographical (半自传的)story of author W. Somerset Maugham.

At first sight, the book seems to 1 the unusual moral values of courage and kindness. 2 ,

readers will see that the author was exploring the same kind of values. The only difference is that he delivered his 3 through a story with more 4 .

The main character, Philip Carey, leads a 5 life,Besides having to live with a clubfoot (畸形足), his peers 6 him for it. Though he is 7 a scholarship from Oxford, he turns it down. He would rather study "things that matter" in Germany. He 8 helps a woman with whom he is fascinated, but this causes him to 9 medical school—he gives her all his money. 10 he becomes a hunger-stricken vagabond (流浪汉),takes a low-paid job for 11, finally gets back to medical training and settles down.

Philip's altruism (利他主义)is often regarded as a(an) 12 by other characters, but does this lead to his downfall? Quite the 13. Philips goodwill to a patient, Mr. Athelny, 14 his marrying the eldest Athelny girl, who 15 him with all her heart.

Moreover, even in his unsuccessful early days, Philipp courage in 16 circumstances helps him form friendships and a support network that 17 him through tough times. This is 18 he finds his most valued long-term empathy (共情).

As French writer Romain Rolland 19 it, "There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it." Of Human Bondage  20 that.
