组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

One day, I go out to eat dinner with father. During the dinner, I see a young mother carrying her baby daughter sitting close to us. Instead of(代替)her hands, she uses the spoon (勺子)with her mouth to feed(喂) her daughter. "Why so?" I ask my father.

The mother hears me, and she says, My baby daughter had a bad accident(车祸)and lost her arms. After that, I begin to do nearly everything with my mouth, like using the spoon, cleaning the room, turning on or off the TV and... I want her to know she can also do them with her mouth. I think she can imitate me in everyday life!"

After eating, the young mother stands up from the seat and then takes out of the money with her mouth. She does that very expertly(熟练地). Then she turns back and says to us, "I believe (相信) she can do everything best with her mouth."

"Yes, she can!" My father and I both say.
