组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Parents are very important to us and they love us all the time. As kids, how to show love to our parents? Here are some tips.

Whether with pencils or paints, it will be a great treasure (财富)to them forever When we are older and leave home, our parents can see the picture when they miss us.

Though it's a kind of housework, it shows Mom and Dad that we care about them and we can help them around our house. And clean rooms make the family happier.

It can be some rice, some meat and vegetables,and even some soup. It can give them a break after they come back from work. And it's better to wash the dishes after dinner.

The best way to show them our love is, never to lie (说谎).This shows that you not only love them, but also believe in and respect(尊敬)them.

Watch a film with Mom sometimes, or go to a sports game with Dad once in a while. It is also a way to show them how much we care and want to be closer with them.

A. Spend time with them.

B. Keep our room clean.

C. Make a picture for them.

D. Say sorry to them.

E. Never tell lies to them.

F. Cook dinner for them.
