组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A good friend is always around you. Do you have problems making friends? These will help you.

Wear clean clothes. It will let others like you and go to you often.

Smile. It means that you are friendly. When you find someone is the friend you want, just smile and say "hi".

Talk first. Ask them some funny questions ana listen to them carefully. It's a bad idea to keep saying nothing. When you say a lot about yourself, they will learn about you better.

Meet the friends of your new friends. Your new friends must also have their other friends. It's a great chance to know more friends. Eat lunch win them or play with them after school. Then you'll make more friends.

Play around and be open. If your friends are in a club or do sports, why not join them? Invite them to your house. or go swimming with them, and try to look for any reason to be with them. But never do anything if they say "no"!
