组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Harry and Nick were very good friends. They lived next door to each other.

One morning Harry heard a strange noise, so he went into the garden. His dog, Jade(凿洞) under the fence(篱笆)。She wanted to play with Nick's dog

"Stop that, Jade!" said Harry. "You're making a mess. "

Later that day Harry's mum heard a strange noise. She went into the garden to investigate( 调查)。Harry was digging a hole under the fence. "Hi, Mum(通道)。"

"We got the idea from Jade, " said a voice from the other side of the fence. "So we can crawl(爬行) through when we want to play. " Harry's mum smiled. "Good idea, " she said, "but what if it rains and the tunnel fills with mud?" Harry looked disappointed. "I think you should stop digging
