组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A baby bird lives in a nest. He loves his nest. It is very 1 in the cold winter. When he is hungry, his mother always comes with some 2 he likes. "I love 3 family!" he says.

But one day his mother doesn't come to the nest. He is very afraid. It is the 4 time that his mother is not with him for so long.

After two days, his mother comes back with some nice food. But his mother 5 the food at a very high place and the baby bird 6 get it. He is so sad, "Mum, 7 do you do this to me? I have nothing to eat and I'm hungry!"

"Baby, come 8 get it," his mother says. The baby bird wants to fly but he can't.

"Come on. Do it 9!" says his mother to the baby bird. The baby bird tries and tries. At last, he can fly to his mother and get the food.

To the baby bird, his mother is not just a mom but a good 10. Thanks to his mother, the baby bird can fly now.
