组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

International Short Story Writing Competition

Our next International Short Story Competition will be held in June 2021. We'll invite school students all over the world to enter this competition.

As usual, it is free. You can win prize money, certificates and publication opportunities.

Competition Rules

The competition is open to young people all over the world. Deadline for the next competition is the 10th of June 2021. Winners will be announced on July 4 2021, on this website.

●The story has to be written in English.

●Drawing and photos are not allowed.

●You can choose your own topic.

●Only one story is accepted per person.

●The competition will be in three groups:

a. Sub-junior (7-9 years)       b. Junior (10-12 years)      c. Senior (13-16 years)

●The required length of the story is as follows:

a. Sub-junior (400+ words)     b. Junior (600+ words)      c. Senior (800+words)

●Mention the following information below your story:

a. Full name     b. Date of birth     c. Group entered      d. Title of your story   e. Word count (including the title)    f. Email address-parent's/teachers' email address can be used here if necessary    g. School name    h. Country

●Any story that is copied will not be accepted.

●There will be three winners in each group. The prizes for all groups are as follows:

First prize: $ 75, certificate, and publication on the website

Second prize: $ 50, certificate, and publication on the website

Third prize: $ 25, certificate, and publication on the website
