组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"What are you busy with, mom?" a 6-year-old girl asked her mother one day. " I'm making dinner1our neighbor," her mother replied.

"Why?" The girl asked.

She lost her2recently. She got quite sad now. We should take care of her," her mother replied.

"Why does she need our care?" the girl asked again.

"Because she can't do the3things she used to do with her daughter. She doesn't know what to do. Even little things like making dinner and cleaning the house are4for her to do now. Maybe you can think of a way to help her5. " her mother replied.

The little girl thought about this for some time. She6what she could do. Finally she decided to go to her neighbor's house and pay her a visit.

She knocked(敲)on the door. The woman came to the door,7quite tired and upset.

"Can I help you?" the neighbor asked.

"My mom told me you're sad8you lost your daughter... " the girl said slowly as she handed a bandage to her neighbor. " Put this on your chest (胸口). 9then your heart won't ache so much. "

Moved by the girl's10, the neighbor gave the girl a big hug(拥抱) and said, "Thank you. This bandage will help more than you even know. "
