组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Long ago, there was a little boy living near a small (村庄). The little boy raised sheep far away all by himself.

One day, he got very (无聊的)."I have no one to play with. Isn't there anything fun? I know! I can play tricks on the people! Hahaha! Wolf! There's a wolf?" The people around ran. (快速地)to help the boy.

"A wolf? Where? Where's the wolf?"'

"Ha ha~ it's just a lie! I was just playing because I didn't have any (朋友) to play with.?

All the people couldn't believe what they heard from the boy. After another two days, the boy wanted to play the same trick. "Wolf! It's a wolf!" He (大声喊).

Again, all the people ran all the way (穿过)the forest to save the boy.

One more time, the young boy cheated them. As this was the (第二)time, they were all very angry,

After several days, something terrible happened. A real wolf actually came. "Wo... wolf! It's really a wolf! Please help me!"'

"Oh, listen! That boy (告诉) a lie again! Silly boy!"

"Right, does he think we'll listen to him this time? What a bad (孩子)!"

This time, (没有人)listened to him, though a real wolf came. As a result, the wolf ate almost all the sheep. The boy was very sad.
