组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Set goals for the future

When someone asks me what my goals are for the coming year, I don't usually know how to reply. Of course I, as most people do, want to see an improvement in my grades. This year, however, I'm hoping for something different.

Through the course of my school life, I've gradually developed a new understanding of the word "prioritization (优先次序)". The first thing I wish to get in Senior 1 is the ability to manage my time better. I'll surely become busier with the coming semester, and proper organization is important. From school clubs to academic competitions, everything should be set up in a way that doesn't influence my health, which leads me to my second goal.

My mother has always told me to put my health first, so in the future, I hope to be both physically and mentally (精神上) healthy. A person can't study without having the energy to do so. In order to stay energetic, they must put their health first, no matter how busy they are, or how much work they have to complete.

And finally, I hope that I won't be discouraged by my failures and never give up on my dreams. I hope that I'll have the courage to try new activities and clubs. I believe my final goal can apply to every student around the world. We should all respect one another's likes and dislikes, and focus on each other's strengths, not our weaknesses. Everyone should strive to take part in all of life's opportunities.

Albert Einstein once said, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance (平衡), you must keep moving." In my case, it's the other way around. In order to keep moving, I must keep my balance – the balance between studies and activities, efficiency and procrastination (拖延症), academics and health, passions and dislikes. The new journey is going to be a hard one, but if I establish these goals, I believe I will make it through to the end.
