组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The ants and the grasshopper (蝗虫)lived in the same big field. The ants always worked hard, and tried to prepare and harvest enough food for winter.

Their happy neighbor, the grasshopper, couldn't understand them. He just keep singing. One winter day, the ants were busy spreading their grain(谷物) in the sun to dry. The grasshopper was nearly dying of hunger, so he went to the ants to ask for some food.

"Good day to you, kind neighbor," said the grasshopper. "Won't you lend me a little food? I will certainly repay you before this time next year. ""Why don't you have any food of your own?" asked an old ant. "There was a lot of food in the big field all summer. What did you do?"

Oh," said the grasshopper, forgetting his hunger, "I sang all day long, and all night long. ""Well, then," said the ant, "if you can sing all summer, you should dance all winter. "And the old ant went back to her work, singing the ant song, "We ants never borrow, we ants never lend."
