组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    "I've got to stop doing this! "You tell 1. You try. You fail. You try again. You fail again. "I give up!" You finally say, "I never2 this habit!"

    Bad habits. We all have them, and it is hard for us to give them up. As the saying 3, "Old habits die hard." But they can die. Don't let your bad habits control you. Learn to control them! You will feel much4.

    Put it writing. First, you should know the habit you want to change. Then write down your5.For example, "I want to stop oversleeping." Make sure your goal is realistic. And work6only one habit at a time.

    Make a plan. Don't think you can quit cold turkey(stop doing something at once). For example, you could decide to eat less sugar each week than you did the week7. Write down your plan. Then put it8you can see it every day.

    Make your bad habit hard to do. If your bad habit is oversleeping, put your alarm clock across the room. Then you'll need to get9 to turn it off.

    Reward yourself. Set small goals and reward yourself for10 them! For example, buy yourself a new book each week when you meet your TV-avoiding (keeping TV away from)goal.

    Replace your habit. Often, the best way to break a habit is to take the place of it with11 one. Do you spend too much money12with your friends? Invite your friends to take a walk instead.

    Forgive yourself. Breaking habits is13. If you can't stop your bad habits, don't get angry with yourself. Think about why you gave in. Then try again. Studies show that making14 breaking a habit usually takes three or six weeks. So hang in there. You can break those habits. Where there's a will, there's a 15.
