组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

How Running Changed My Life

Running has truly changed my life, but I never understood running as a form of exercise.

During the first two weeks this year, my grandmother passed away and I started to1my job because of office politics. My life felt stuck. So I decided to run. It was my natural2. I just wanted to get away. I started running—by the time I came back, I felt tired and3at the same time. I knew I was on to something.

Once in a while, I would get excited about running. However, I always picked up running for the4 reasons. I used running as a reason to buy new fashionable sports clothes. Or I decided to run to lose weight or become healthier. My running never lasted longer than 2–3 weeks. I would lose interest in running. I just didn't 5 it. Why would anyone go through the 6  of running? Especially when the weather is bad. Who does that? I'd rather go to the gym with my friends, talk, and pick up some weights.

But I found that pain is 7  the reason I started to run again. When my life was not what I wanted it to be, I was upset. I decided to run when I arrived home one day after work. It was a cold January day, and I only ran for 3 miles in a time that I am too8 to mention. But my time is not what's important—during that run I finally got it.

My stamina(毅力、耐力) was nearly the same as my life at the time—it was bad, but I knew it would be better if I 9 running. If I would fight against the wind, rain, cold, and my thoughts of 10, I would eventually improve my stamina and be a better runner.

My life has improved at the same rate that my running pace and stamina has improved. But running has the most11 on my productivity, mood, creativity, and overall livelihood.

Every time life became difficult I would give up. Now, when life is difficult, my response is 12—I love the pain and struggle instead of shying away from it. My life is moving forward and I'm doing well in my job again. I owe this to running.

And the best thing about running is that it is easy to start. You just go. You decide when, where, and how fast.
