组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

For his honesty, former Mexican President Vicente Fox, was respected by the people. It was the personality that made him a president from an ordinary salesman.

Once, Fox was invited to a university to give a lecture. A student asked him, "Have you lied in your experience in politics?"

Fox said, "No, never."

The students whispered, but Fox wasn't angry. He said, "Perhaps it is hard to prove that I' m honest, honesty is always around us. Let me tell you a story which means a lot to me."

There was a father. One day, he felt the pavilion in the garden was too worn﹣down, so he had it dismantled. His son was so interested in it that he said to his father, I want to see how you have it dismantled, so can you wait until I come back from the boarding school?"


However, after the boy left, the workers quickly dismantled the pavilion.

After returning from school, the boy saw what happened. He said to his father, "Dad

His father was surprised and said, "Sorry. I should keep my promise."

The father had the workers rebuild a pavilion in the shape of the old one. Then he called in his son and asked the workers to dismantle it.

I know the father, and he was in front of the child to achieve his own commitments.

Hearing this, the students asked, " Who's the father?"

Fox said, "He has died, but his son is still alive."

"Where's his son? He should be an honest man."

Fox said calmly, "His son is now standing here. It's me, I'd like to treat this country and everyone as my father treated me."

Dismantling and building a pavilion twice will not only satisfy a boy's wish, but also the moral requirement of an adult's self﹣improvement.
