组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Joan is one of the greatest writers in England. She was born in a small   (岛的) in 1955. Life was difficult at that time and she didn't get a (机会) to go to the middle school. At the age of 16, she left school and became an (女演员). ln 1981, she changed his job and worked as a worker in a factory. (然而), she kept on reading every day and writing down something important in her (笔记本). When she was 26, she wrote her first story. Five years later, her another work came out So she became much (著名的) than before.

Unluckily, an accident happened on a cold evening in 2006. A car (撞) her when she was walking along the road. She hurt herself badly. The next year she died. Before she died, she wrote about 50 (小说). Most of them (描述the hard life of common people at that time and made people think about (社会).
