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This is a list of some Chinese tea.

Green Tea

Green tea is the oldest and most popular type of tea. It has been enjoyed in China for several thousand years. Green tea is made from the new shoots (芽) of the tea leaves which are dried and processed. Longjing may be the most well-known brand of green tea.

Black Tea

In Chinese and the languages of neighboring countries, black tea is known as "red tea". It is made from the new shoots of the tea leaves which are fermented (发酵) and dried. It has a lovely red color. Dianhong and Yixing are popular brands of black tea.

Wulong Tea

Wulong tea, also known as blue tea, is made from a mixture of green tea and black tea. It is said that people who drink Wulong tea can lose weight. Wenshan Baozhong Tea and Dongding Wulong Tea are two famous brands of this popular tea.

White Tea

White Tea is unfermented tea that has been quickly dried. It is lighter in color than other types of tea. Popular brands of white tea are White Peony and Silver Needle.
