The act of reading is great, of course. Butway you're reading also has an influenceyour physical and mental health. In our technology-driven world, the paper book has been replaced by electronic(device) - Kindles and Nooks, and even your laptops or smart phones. Paper books(consider) as inconvenient by some people.
However, there's something simple and special about reading a classic paper book that e-books seem to lack. Recently, I was reading before bedtime, and I found that it not only relaxed me, but made me fall asleep almost(immediate). I slept soundly through the entire night, and I(wake) up feeling(refresh). I found myself(think) about events and scenes in the book. I believe it wasn't a coincidence: Putting aside my phone, and focusing on a taletook me outside of myself, somehow, helped me feel better than before.
Keep readingit can help you improve yourself on many levels.