组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

I've never lived in a dorm before. Studying in the US gave me this new experience. The dorm I lived in is called Village Girls. You need to bring your toiletries((洗漱用具)and clothing. But it's also important to bring things you may find trivial, like toys or something you hold dear. You may think it unnecessary, but you'll find that having something that reminds you of home can help you a lot.

When I first arrived, I only brought those things on the school list. However, there was an empty feeling in my heart, a sense of loneliness. There were no toys to hug at night, nor anything I could look at and be reminded of home. That's when I realized that though we saw things like toys as unnecessary, we needed them more than anything else.

It's also important to make friends. Though most parents prefer you find someone with good grades, I think it's better to choose someone with a good heart. If you're introverted(内向的), it is even more important to greet everyone in your dorm. That's because once you keep yourself away from others, people may think. you are cold and aloof(冷漠的). A friend of mine once told me,"No. matter how much you've grown,you're still a kid at heart. "I've come to realize that it is true. No matter how old we are, our inner(内心的)selves still need love and comfort. With a friend and a toy in hand, I hope you'll find joy no matter where you are.
