组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

According to a recent study,a typical(典型的)family in the U. K is a father,mother,and two children. They live in a house,not an apartment(公寓). Both parents work outside the home. They spend about £76 on groceries(杂货店)each week, and they have a pet. Almost 63% of sons and 55% of daughters aged 20-24 still live at home with their parents.

 A typical British family wakes up at 6: 57. They eat breakfast together only two times a week. The parents drive to Work. They each have a car. They get home from work at 5: 15 and have dinner at 5: 54. Because of their busy lives,they eat dinner together at home only three times a week. They go out to eat two times a month. On Mondays,they usually eat spaghetti Bolognese (肉酱面). On Fridays,they bring home fish and chips from a chip shop. After dinner, they watch TV for a total of nine hours each week. They go to bed at 10: 39.

The family exercises 2. 5 times a week, and does housework for 4. 5 hours. The mother does most of the housework. They wash 5. 3 loads(堆) of clothes a week.

About 70% of British families feel they are normal. But, is a typical British family happy? In short, yes. Just over 80% say they are "happy or very happy. " However, they usually argue two times a week!
