组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Hello, this is Renmin Opera House.

B: Oh, hi. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight?

A: One moment, please. Uh, yes, there are a few left.

B: That's great!     

A: At 7:30.

B: How long will it last?

A: It will last about two hours.

B: Sounds great. Can I book(预订) one ticket now?

A: Yes.      

B: Well,  but how can I do it?

A: Just go to our website,  fill in the form with your information, choose a seat and pay online.

B: Sounds easy.   

A: At the gate at least half an hour before the show starts.


A: You're welcome.

A. When will it start?

B. You can book it on our website.

C. What can I do for you?

D. Enjoy yourself.

E. Where can I get the ticket?

F. Thank you for your help.

G. It's wonderful.
