组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

What job did you dream of when you were a kid? There are a number of jobs that kids want to take. Here are three kinds of kids' dream jobs.


When kids watch TV or a movie, they often dream of becoming famous actors on the screen. In fact, many actors are not famous and only a few of them can be successful. These actors may work in televisions, films, theaters and so on. Actors do not often work every day and they usually get paid by the acting.

Athlete (运动员)

Many kids hope to become professional (专业的)athletes so that they can play their favorite sports and make a living. Becoming a professional athlete takes a lot of work. Athletes practice for long hours a day with their teammates and trainers (队友和训练员).


Some children want to become doctors in order to help others.

Though doctors can make much money, the road to becoming a doctor is hard — a doctor needs to study for at least five years at a college, three years at a medical (医药的) school, and three to eight years of residency (实习期).
