组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Twenty-two-year- old Sarah James went hiking with her dog, Duke, in Banff National Park, Canada. She was walking along the side of a deep valley (山谷) when she1. She hurt herself badly in the fall, breaking her left leg.

Sarah tried to stay2, telling herself that she would be saved soon. She shouted for help more loudly than she had ever shouted before, but it was no 3. She was trapped(受困), more than forty kilometers from the nearest town. Duke stood above her, barking4. He tried over and over again, 5he couldn't climb down to be with her.

That night was too cold for Sarah to go to sleep, she stayed6and worried. Duke was worried too. Two days later, at noon, she realized her only7 was to get Duke to go for help. She8instructions up to him and with a comforting bark, he ran off. 9Duke was hungry and thirsty. He walked for twenty kilometers and saw no one. Could he find anyone to help Sarah?

On the fourth day, Sarah drank the last of her water and cried. She was sure she was going to 10. But somehow she found herself still alive the next morning. A few hours later she heard a 11"woof". "That must be Duke", she cried and12 to see Duke standing above her! He wasn't by himself. He had found a couple who were on holiday from Japan. He13on the man's trouser leg and ran forwards and backwards until they followed him.

The couple gave Sarah water and called for help. Duke couldn't follow Sarah to the14, but the Japanese couple 15 him until he could be with Sarah again! That must be an indelible memory of life.
