组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

In ancient China, there was a man called Yue Yangzi. He had a wife who was very kind and wise.

One day, he (find) a piece of gold and ran home as fast as he could to tell his wife. Looking at the gold, his wife calmly said, "It is said that a true man never drinks a thief's water or accept alms(施舍物). What do you think of keeping others' thing as (your)?" Yue felt sorry for what he had done and took the gold back to the place where he found it.

The next year, Yue left his home to study with a (talent) teacher. One day, his wife was weaving(编,织) on the loom(织布机) when Yue entered home suddenly. The wife seemed to be worried and she asked why he came back so soon. The husband explained how he missed her. saying anything, the wife cut away what she had woven with a pair of (scissor). She said, "If something (stop) halfway, it is just like the cut cloth on the loom or even (bad). It will only be useful if finished. But now, it has been nothing but mess, and so it is with your study. "

After (hear) his wife's words, he went on with his study. For years, he didn't return home he made great achievements
