组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day. A new1shows that a healthy breakfast means a healthier diet and it can2people to be thin. Then3is a healthy breakfast? Of course, food low in energy(低能量) such as fruit,4and grains(谷物).

    The study; shows that people who eat a bowl of porridge for breakfast have a lower5than either those who don't have breakfast6those who eat beef and eggs for breakfast. So people with a7breakfast can't be heavy.

    People who eat a low-energy breakfast are more likely to choose food low in energy for the rest of the day. As a group, they8have a healthier eating habit- eating different kinds of food. So they can take in more vitamins(维生素) and minerals(矿物质).

    We should eat a breakfast low in energy and try to choose low-energy food all the day.
