组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Maria is from Asia. She was born (出生)with no legs, but she lives a happy life with love now.

Four years ago, the Stewart's family had five people—the parents, two daughters and one son. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart wanted to have one more child. So they decided to adopt (收养)one.

    Mr. and Mrs. Stewart found an office first. People there gave them a list of children. They saw many names and pictures on it. Then they found the picture of 9-month-old Maria. They thought she was cute and they loved her smiling face. Almost a year later, Maria joined her American family. Everyone welcomed her.

    Now, Maria lives with the family in America. She goes to hospital every month. Doctors there help to make her better. Everyone takes good care of Maria. She likes to play with animals and listens to music.

    "For me, the important things in the world are family and love. A life without love is a yard without flowers, " Mrs. Stewart said.
