组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    London is one of my favorite cities in the world. Last year, I  (go) there on vacation. I started my trip with a visit to the Tower of London. There was a lot to see and I enjoyed  (visit) there. After I walked out, I found myself right next  the Tower Bridge. I learned about its history and how people built it before. I took many (photo) of this wonderful bridge. I also visited the Glass Floor, a high—level walkway of the bridge. It was  (real) exciting. When I was standing there, I could  (look) straight down to the Thames. Afterwards, I went on the subway to many other places of interests. The city was so big that I nearly got lost. Luckily, a kind man told (I) the way to my hotel. It was  excellent trip and I wish to visit London again.
