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    A video about a one-arm Chinese teenager playing basketball became popular on Chinese social with excellent basketball skills, media platforms. In the video, the young teen doing crossover and behind-the-back dribbling moves.

    The one-arm 13-year-old teen a country boy from Guangdong Province. His name is Zhang Jiacheng. At the age of five, he 88. his right arm after an accident.

    However, it didn't stop him from pursuing basketball. Every day, he keeps practicing at home or on the basketball court. "Keep up or give up" is his life motto. He by China's professional basketball players several days ago. "I've never seen a child play basketball better than him before," said former Chinese national basketball player Zhu Fangyu. After him play, YiJianlian also said: "The heart always remains as the strongest part of the body."
